
Welcome to our Push Up Challenge!

We are excited to have you training with us over these next six weeks. We are going to be working on several different types of push up structures, core strength, and supplemental exercises to stay balanced. There is one thing we can promise and that is results. You are going to get results from following this program. That being said... Let's Get STARTED!!!

There are only two things you need to complete this Challenge. 

#1 - You need to keep track of your numbers. We recommend a notebook or notepad on your digital device. If it is your notebook, take photos each day to save as a backup. If you chose to use your device, then be sure to back it up in a cloud or at least email. 

#2 - Desire! The hunger inside that made you want to do this Challenge. You are going to need to remind yourself of it as we progress into the later weeks.

Follow these steps each day to maximize your training experience.

STEP 1: Access the Weekly Format.

STEP 2: Review the Lesson Plan.

STEP 3: Watch the supplemental videos, take notes, and get ready to train.

STEP 4: Designate a Plan A and Plan B training time to make sure you can get each day completed.

STEP 5: Use a notebook or your digital device to log your numbers and show your progress.

STEP 6: Commit yourself to your goal of completing this Six Week Challenge!

STEP 7: Remember we are just an email or message away and are here to help. We want to see you succeed!!

Last but not least, remember to let everyone know what you are doing by either posting a video, photo, or at least a comment with #PushUpChallenge and even #CoreConceptCoaching.

Also if you have not yet, please visit and like our Core Concept Coaching Facebook page and stay tuned for future challenges and more.

Last but not least, if you are on Social Media make a post with optional pictures or videos. Either way, please share tags #PushUpChallenge, #PushUpToNewLevels and #CoreConceptCoaching.

Let us keep each other motivated as we push up to new levels!!!

Now... let's TRAIN!


Guro Larry

Complete and Continue